Tuesday, May 08, 2007

peter vallone jr vs kiko vs ny graf scene

in caz ca nu stiati, anul trecut a fost arestat in ny un graffer pe nume kiko. amaratul a atras atentia dupa ce a tagat tot ce a putut intr-o anumita zona a orasului si vallone, inamicul nr 1 al scenei graf din ny, s-a hotarat sa il dea exemplu. asa ca a facut tot posibilul sa il gaseasca si sa il crucifice in ziare si la teve. a mers atat de departe incat, dupa ce judecatorul i-a aplicat o pedeapsa de 6 luni puscarie, 5 ani sub observatie si o amenda de 25000$, sa ceara pt el puscarie intre 1 si 3 ani. ce e si mai grav e ca s-a stabilit acum un precedent, kiko fiind primul graffer condamnat pt acte de vandalism si chiar sa faca puscarie, in locul muncii in folosul comunitatii.

ce a urmat se poveste pe blogul revistei animal:

As reported in today's NY Daily News, KIKO, a 28 year-old graffiti writer, was sentenced to 6 months in prison and forced to pay a $25,000 fine for his recent tagging spree in Astoria. Fanatical anti-graffiti critic and name recognition councilman Peter Vallone Jr., who once proclaimed, “I want this punk, and I want him bad… Catching this guy has been a personal vendetta of mine for a few months now" is credited with supporting some of NYC's harshest graffiti laws ever, some of which were recently struck down as unconstitutional. He has used this issue as his personal soapbox for the past year or so, totally generating more press for himself than anything else he’s done. Although we do think KIKO should be punished in some form or another, specifically public service, we don’t think that any graffiti writer should ever have to serve jail time. In the long run this hurts the community more than any tag could. If anybody wants to do any peaceful renovations demonstrations, we suggest they travel to the belly of the beast. Here is Peter Vallone's home address, 21-46 19th St. as provided by his own district office and press hack, Andrew something or other. So stop by, check out the lovely views of the Triborough Bridge and the massive Con Ed power plant, plus exercise your 1st Amendment writes.

acum orice pusti cu un pix poate sa ii faca o vizita lui vallone, sa ii tot ureze de bine :)

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