Saturday, August 18, 2007

m-am mutat!

de azi, la


Thursday, August 16, 2007

prin centru




nice high-ass tags, fukser!





al treilea - still runnin'

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

gues taps

de la jean anonimu

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interviu cu scien rock din 123klan

interviul luat de cei de la brokeyaneck

BYN: why do you paint?
because i like it, but also for money.

BYN: what’s your favorite color?
gold or maybe green

BYN: what’s your favorite spray paint brand?
molotow belton, mtn alien and gold
strictly europeean paint please

BYN: what’s a normal day for 123 klan?
wake up the kids,
get an insane breakfast,
go to the gym or for a joggining.
Go to the office,
meeting with the sales managers,
lunch break with Michael Jackson,
Bubbles (his chimp)
our lawyers,
bodyguards and my wife Klor of course. Go back to the office, adding 4 to 5 millions of myspace friends requests.
Give a call to Puffy and see what's poppin for the evening.
Having dinner with the kids and the homies,
signing autographs on the red carpet outside of the restaurant for hysterical fans, throwing them a big stash of dollars,
sending them my love,
tellin' them that war is stupid,
while fireworks are exploding in the sky in the same time,
girls are crying because they all want to replaced Klor,etc...
well, this is how a normal day is looking like for us, pretty much average...

BYN: what’s your favorite thing to eat?
A breakfast #2 at Lafayette on ste catherine and cartier, our new HQ in Montreal. Bubbles likes to eat bacon and peanut butter, a special meal
created for him

BYN: what are you favorite type of graffiti (boming, tagging , paintings trains or piecing or roller )
Everything well done is beautiful, so i have no favourite in graff.

BYN: what you think of street art?
same thing :)

BYN: when did you meet klor?
a long time ago in a weird and little strange country called "France" during the "festival de cannes"

BYN: are you self tought or you went to school?
both of them,
but i have to admit that graffiti learn me a lot about gettin up, repsect and business.
School was not bad and interesting, but i was kind of a talented pain in a ass for the teachers.

BYN: whats cities did you paint so far ?

too many, many many many. just to name a few: Dunkerque, Lille, Paris, Toulouse, Montpellier, Hamburg, Munich, Munster, Saarebrucken, Brussels, Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Rome, London, Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla, Singapore, Kuala Lampur, Jakarta, Sydney, Newyork and Montreal. i Didn't mentionned all the villages that we have slayered...

BYN: tell us a secret. …. ….
we have no talent and we make everything done by chinese like most of internationnal world wide companies. I like to ride Poney but only sunday btwn 10 to 11 am, and i love dolphins.

BYN: whats you think of graffiti now?
Getting better and bigger, but today graff is like skateboarding, loads of players
not enough rockers...

BYN: what you think of the west coast graffiti?
Me like it, big up to RIME, PERSUE, REVOK AND SEVER! keep on rockin fellaz!

BYN: what you think of law and graffiti?
laws are good and some full of shit, like graffiti...

BYN: whos your favorite person to paint with?
My wife Mrs Klor of course, and my homies, famous or not

BYN: a lot of money or a lot of paint ….
a lot of money of course, then you can get all the paint you need,
only stupid will answer lot of paint, except if stupid is already rich

BYN: klor is ….. My love, my everything

BYN: cope 2 is ……My brother

BYN: MSK is …… 3 letters in alphabetic disorder, but also a talented west coast crew

BYN: DAIM is ….. perfectionnist and quiet

BYN: os gemeos are ….. twins from Brazil

BYN: whats your favorite beer?
Root Beer

BYN: whats your favorite drug?
Crack, of course

BYN: What’s your favorite movie?
Blades of glory

BYN: whats your favorite book?
I can't read, i like DONDI WHITE's book, because it's full of pictures

BYN: who’s your favorite artist?
Scien, this guy is a bit arrogant and get a huge ego but i just love all what he does, maybe "genius" will define him the best.

BYN: whats your favorite font?
Comic sans

BYN: what are you listening to right now?
Anthrax, "i'm the man"

BYN: if you have to change your name what it would be?
PULKY, because it sounds weird and
totally the opposite of beeing hardcore. Plus the letters are good to paint with. Or "RISE" because it sounds like an ALL CITY KING name.

BYN: whats your fav place to be in the world?
Darfour, or maybe baghdad... i don't know... Montreal is not bad as well...

BYN: What did you want to be when you grew up?
A thief (for real) my parents were shocked
and when they asked me why, i told them that thieves never get caught, they get lot of money, respect and get beautiful chicks. I think i made my parents laugh, but they were also worried about my future as well... Finally i've make it happened, i do graffiti, but i just need a bit more money...

BYN: who is your hero?
Ian McKay (minor threat & fugazi)

BYN: What do you think of hipsters?
Hipsters are our fans, so we love them and protect them
and sometimes we feed some of them as well, but only the weakiest ones.

BYN: when was your first kiss?
i don't know, pre-school maybe

BYN: where do you see your self in 5 years?
Maybe on Fortune's magazine front cover or
selling crack to Bums in the streets of Montreal...

BYN: what inspires you?
Everything related to fonts, street, american food, jokes, jerks,
tv, politics, talented people, Friends, bubbles the chimp, beers, sex, many things in fact...

BYN: what’s next for 123 klan?
Maybe a teeshirt brand, but only because we want to do like everybody else, and to make sure to stay hype and grab some money by the way.

BYN: what you think of fat bitches?
Well, it's not funny to be fat, even if you're a bitch.
God bless them all!

BYN: any final words ?

daca nu stiti cine e scien rock sau ce e 123klan, ati trait sub o piatra. check it out here and loads of pics here
gasit pe blogul lui scien de pe 12ozprophet

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Monday, August 13, 2007

a little piece of history

un documentar numit "all city", produs si regizat de henry chalfant, despre miscarea underground din ny-ul optzecilor:

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jose parla si futura 2000 la o expozitie din londra

pirate utopia show, to be more exact:

found on whatyouwrite


o filmare de la w4g-ul de acum cateva saptamani

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victoriei si izvor







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colentina city

12.08.2007 090

12.08.2007 114

12.08.2007 115

12.08.2007 116

12.08.2007 113

12.08.2007 111

thx to pinat


al treilea wholetrain reloaded

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Sunday, August 12, 2007

blu & jr

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inca una desteapta din ny

dragul de peter vallone jr. a reusit sa il convinga pe bloomberg (primarul ny) sa dea o noua lege prin care este ilegal ca orice individ sub 21 sa aiba in posesie tuburi de vopsea, markere cu varf lat si acid, in cazul in care nu sunt folosite in scopuri educative sau sunt inchise intr-un container. tare, nu?

de pe graffnews:

Mayor Michael Bloomberg approved legislation making it illegal for kids under 21 to carry graffiti instruments in unlocked containers.

The law, authored by City Councilmember Peter F. Vallone Jr., outlaws the possession of graffiti instruments in public places by people under the age 21. Under the new bill, it will be a criminal violation to carry spray paint, broad-tipped markers or etching acid unless it is enclosed in a locked container, or if the tools are needed for educational or professional purposes.

"The truth is that graffiti defaces our beautiful neighborhoods and sends the message that we don't care about our communities. We must make every effort to stop it," Bloomberg said at the signing.

The legislation is based on a bill that Vallone passed in 2005, which was challenged in court by proponents of graffiti. The courts issued an injunction prohibiting the city from enforcing the law, expressing concern that the amendments imposed too heavy a burden on free speech. Wanting to spare taxpayers an expensive legal battle, the city decided to draft a new bill tailored to meet the court's arguments.

"An opponent of this law would have to argue that people under 21 need immediate, unfettered access to graffiti tools at all times. That's simply ridiculous," Vallone said. "Murals take hours, but a tag can be done in seconds. We want to put this crime down before it 'gets up'."

Jimmy Oddo, minority leader of the city council, co-sponsor of the bill and ally in the battle against graffiti, added, "One thing you can say about these graffiti vandals is they are tenacious. We are lucky to have Peter Vallone Jr. to match their tenacity in this fight."

"The mayor and I are like the Frito Lay of anti-graffiti laws," joked Vallone at the signing, referring to the old commercial slogan, "It doesn't matter what they do to them, we'll just keep making more."

poza de aici

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yo yo



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Thursday, August 09, 2007

ha! pisica patrata pe wooster collective

luati de vedeti.


above in viena

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eine in londra

so, am gasit asta pe wooster si ma intrebam cine e flacaul asta eine de care nu mai auzit pana acum. am cautat un pic si se pare ca e destul de cunoscut, din moment ce are expozitii cu banksy:

asta e facuta in londra, cu ocazia expozitiei, nu stiu daca e legala sau nu:

un rooftop tot din londra:

si acum partea cu banksy:

pozele sunt de aici, si aici, iar daca vreti sa vedeti mai multe de la expozitie, intrati pe streamul tipului asta. pt eine aici. pt pace globala, aici.

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camion al armatei usa, stationata in italia:

de pe wooster

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80 blocks from tiffany's

e un documentar despre doua bande din ny din anii '80. ce-i asa interesant? imaginile live (oarecum) cu scena graf de atunci. cascati ochii dupa trenurile care trec prin spate. a, si e interesanta si povestea bandelor (savage skulls si savage nomads). sunt 8 parti:

via boingboing

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si sa mai spuneti ca artistii nu au cojones

domnul din imagine este daniel gontz. da, cu tz. el este artist si protesteaza. spune de ce cel mai bine in propriile cuvinte:

Bulina Albastra
Un proiect de Daniel Gontz si Gianina Carbunariu.
Bulinele albastre semnalizeaza seismul estetic care zguduie orasele romanesti de 15 ani. In acest cataclism intra termopan, rigips, gresie, spatiu rezidual lasat in urma de urbanismul comunist, o puzderie de fatade de sticla, frinturi de cultura vizuala de la televizor, demolari euforice, custi pentru bodyguarzi, plante de plastic, marmura neagra, decoratiuni din inox si idei despre arhitectura care desfid orice norma despre cum traieste si arata un oras.

Mi s-a parut important sa reactionez la uritenia sufocanta a unei bune parti din ce s-a construit in ultimii ani. Bulinele indica pericol, si cred ca pericolul degradarii estetice a orasului e aproape la fel de mare ca cel al unui cutremur.

Bulinele rosii spun ca trebuie sa te feresti, bulinele albastre - ca trebuie sa protestezi.

uitati-va la video. merita. sa vedem cati poseri si fakeri de grafferi sunt in stare sa faca asta. fara ziaristi si cameramani, ca pe noi nu ne intereseaza asta.

filmul e de aici
povestea de aici
blogul artistului aici

via feeder

ps: love the shirt :)

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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

muralele din philadelphia

revista time (da, time, aia), a publicat un articol despre muralele imense din philadelphia. in caz ca nu stiati, sunt mari, foarte mari si impresionant de detaliate si bine lucrate. sunt acolo de vreo 50 ani, acum documentate si prezentate intr-un slideshow pe site-ul lor. vedeti aici.

poza de mai sus e luata de aici

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

sinboy/ ripo/ obes show maine

maine, 08.08, la 19:00 la centrul de dans (sub motoare) o sa fie un show cu cei trei din titlu. si un flyer:

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