wholetrain in nyc. in 2007. da, stiu, incredibil :)

Clocking in at 750 feet of painted steel, this is a major feat for the so-called clean train era and a possible record for biggest whole train painted in history. It’s just too bad that Darius McCollum, the metrophile arrested nearly two dozen times for joyriding subway cars and attempted theft of a locomotive, was too locked up to help move a couple subways cars so the Made U Look crew could paint a continuous piece.
va recomand sa cititi restul articolului si comentariile aici
ps: dupa ce oamenii din madeyoulook au dat whole train-ul, se pare ca bravii ofiteri ai nyc s-au pus serios pe cautarea lor. au si creat un site fantoma (http://madeulooknyc.com), in speranta ca se va gasi cineva cu gura mare, doar ca paranoia creata deja de vandal squad-ul new yorkez le-a ascutit simturile graferilor de acolo, care au mirosit capcana; vedeti aici la ce ma refer.
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